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  • Nothing you actually need to worry about unless you want to. Assuming that you do have the exact same powers I do, though, you can see IP addresses, make people threadmins as long as they've posted in a thread, give infractions and probably see the mod-only forums at the bottom of the board. Oh, and you have like full power over profile conversations and social groups, or something. Really random stuff.
    Well, really we're all supposed to be in that section with Mudkip, but for whatever reason the italicpeople have limited mod powers outside of Wi-Fi as well.
    Eh, not great. I've just been so busy with other things that I haven't really had the time to do anything relating to the league at all--I've been getting behind with even simple things like keeping up with registration and all that. :/ Actually, I've been meaning to ask you something: since Mudkip is never around anymore and I could really use the assistance if anything is actually to become of the league, would you be willing to consider helping out in a more official, possibly mod-like capacity?
    Hey , Espeon. I could provide the prize for the tourny you set up? I have access to a wide variety of pokemon, and i could offer almost any as a prize? Or a nice item
    Well, I suppose I could extend the Dannibait all the way across my county and into hers, considering mine is right next to hers.
    Fantastic, I'll go to the nearest Danninet shop as soon as possible.
    Wow, that is truly amazing! Is there one which attracts her? Perhaps it smells of rainbows?
    No, although I did go to the town she lives in, twice. I looked around, but there was no sign of rainbow. Oh well.

    I'm not a stalker, honest.
    Ahh, good luck with it then.

    Nope, I ran down it. I was very bored, and I had nothing better to do...
    What are you revising for? And it was pretty good, the weather was mostly nice, apart from Wednesday. Very windy... I also managed to make a significant, lasting mark, or rather path, down a hill of very tall grass..
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