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  • Of course, all I know about one character in my upcoming NaNoWriMo novel is that his name is Micah, he's a baker, and he gets his hand chopped off. Probably brutally.
    Keh, the problem is that I already said that I probably wasn't the best for the job. I changed my mind around the time I came up with the idea for Maeror Astrorum.

    Sure! Tell me where I can find it, I may not read it till tomorrow though.
    I haven't uploaded anything in ages because of laziness. Don't bother. The first pages of my comic will be up by Tuesday, along with my mass of sketches, and the drawing I did of all the characters in the roleplay I'm running, Maeror Astrorum.

    ...Speaking of roleplays, I sent Shadow Dragon a PM regarding Satellites a while back, but I think he/she/it/coconut only checks the forums when someone posts in the sign up thread. Think I should post to alert him/her/it/coconut that I am willing to take it over?

    EDIT: Aaand I missed the second message. It's a pencil and eraser, of course! I couldn't think of anything more me related, since half of what I do is draw, and I almost always use just a pencil, paper, and eraser.
    It's not that bad. Really. I've grown used to it, and lately there are more and more moments where I realise that I have more redeeming qualities than being able to draw ok and not being evil. It's best just to distract me. ^_^

    Or say my art is actually good. That works too.
    My mom already tried stuff like that. As did two of my four non internet friends. The other two don't even know about the problem.
    It's not just you, I think of everyone but me that way. I kept reading books that basically said "hubris is bad" which is completely true but it made my mind go into overdrive, squashing out anything that made me think well of myself. Even my having an inferiority complex is my fault.
    ... I am honored that an esteemed person such as yourself would use something created by a lowly peasant such as me. *bows*
    I love Halloween, the rest of the holiday season is fun too, but that's when it gets really hard to stay inside away from the chill because you're buying stuff. Which is why I try to just draw stuff as gifts.
    *takes cybermeds*

    Fall is my favorite season, closely followed by Spring, because of the rain <3

    Also, how do you type so fast?
    Lucky. I don't like warm weather. I tend to curl up in my room during the summer - wait, I tend to curl up in my room all the time, due to my lack of a social life.

    But my fall break is in jeopardy, because I think I have a cold. I always seem to get sick when I already have time off school. :(

    EDIT because I just read a bunch of old posts in your art thread that I hadn't seen.

    Gijinkas <3
    In other words, your breaks are very similar to what mine will be like when I get back to America. Except, to make up for it, the summer vacation here is six weeks long as opposed to two and a half months.
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