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  • As in, the one you get from the guy, if you talk to him later, he asks for it back. I didn't know whether he would actually take him back or not.
    I haven't even read Specials and I know stuff you don't about the ending. TV Tropes surfing does have so drawbacks.

    I refuse to give back my Shuckle in SoulSilver, even though I probably won't use him much, because he's so adorable. I accidentally gave him back in HeartGold though. ;.;
    Beka is great. I love the journal format. But I don't really have a favorite among the protagonists, because they are all awesome. (And they all have awesome nicknames. Alanna the Lioness, The Wildmage, The Protector of the Small, Terrier... the only one I can think of that doesn't have one is Aly, but only read half of Trickster's Queen and I don't remember much of Trickster's Choice. Those were her only books I didn't devour.)

    And have you read her Circle of Magic series? I like Tris.

    Also. You have a Shuckle in your signature. Shuckle is one of my favorite Pokemon. It's adorable.
    Pretty much everything she's wrote. Wild Magic is quite possibly my favorite book ever. Numair is one of my few favorite characters EVER who doesn't die. Haven't read Tortall and Other Lands yet though.
    No, this is a cat. =^.^=

    Wanna stop the VMs for now? My computers getting slow and it's getting hard to answer the VMs because by the time i'm one sending one in you send another, XD
    why not play it online? Go on newgrounds or addicting games and play it. I reccomend riddle transfer, cause it's better than the five riddle schools.
    your natural surrounding...is paper and pencil, XP

    hey, have you played a flash game called riddle school or riddle transfer?
    *shrug* I dunn. I'veseen some of your artwork on here, and remember thse lickies you wanted of anabsol and shuckle? I just put that there, XD

    Charlie the unicorn is pretty cool

    Anyway..................................................................................................have you seen charlie the unicorn on youtube?
    I think macaroons count. Hold on let me check.

    EDIT: According to Wikipedia they can be. Depends on their consistency.

    Also I love how when I type "Google" into the... the... the thingy with the website's address thingy (what are the words?!) it searches Google on Google, but when I type in YouTube it takes me right to the homepage.
    I just realised how long it's been since I've had a cookie...
    How is it possible that I've gone more than a week without a true cookie?! (Those things I ate today were more like chocolate bars)
    *Grabs Cookies*
    *Laughs Maniacally*
    It's not complicated. it's pretty fun! Animorphs is so awesome, so is mewmew power.

    and bugs, well, you know, like flies an bees. I ran out of ideas. Xx

    WAIT! a Futurama Mafia, Family Guy Mafia, and South Park Mafia!!!
    well kum!!! XD

    hey, what do you think of these mafia game ideas?

    Mewmew power
    i'm in sixth grade though.

    You know, i actually never thought of pauls gender until it was mentioned, XD

    Oh, and about your shuckle licky, i finished drawing it, but now i gotta make it into a gif.
    Done with the cow.

    EDIT: I just saw your old post in the favorite fictional character thread. Beka Cooper is awesome. I'm currently halfway through Bloodhound.
    :D Glad you like it!

    Also, I am drawing that cow RIGHT NOW. I have learned that it is impossible to draw a good cow without actually looking at one (or at least a picture of one).
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