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  • *sighs*
    *shows you a door*
    Go if you want (click here to open the door)
    The point is, it's just a version of it, like apple spice.
    OMYGOD! You have Play on in your Usertitle! That's my favorate song! I had that as a usertitle a few months ago, and no one knew what it was, even Spunky. But when you have it, everyone knows it...;_;

    Whatcha gonna do when the show is over, whatcha gonna do when the song ends? yeeeaaah! How you gonna cope when there is no closure? where you gonna reach when the storm is over, how you gonna make it throooooough, When you think you lost your chance?
    OMYGOD! You have Play on in your Usertitle! That's my favorate song! I had that as a usertitle a few months ago, and no one knew what it was, even Spunky. But when you have it, everyone knows it...;_;

    Whatcha gonna do when the show is over, whatcha gonna do when the song ends? yeeeaaah! How you gonna cope when there is no closure? where you gonna reach when the storm is over, how you gonna make it throooooough, When you think you lost your chance?
    Hmm, maybe keep Holly Day until X-mas is over, then change it back.

    Aaaaand, I realized there's a user with the username Pinkie Pie on here...maybe I'll pick Rainbow Dash!
    Hmm, maybe keep Holly Day until X-mas is over, then change it back.

    Aaaaand, I realized there's a user with the username Pinkie Pie on here...maybe I'll pick Rainbow Dash!
    I'm DarkieAurie's frand from the sacred place she came from. (which you joined just yesterday)
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