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  • "I stole your poem'.

    is it my fault i feel that way and was too busy having a panic attack to credit you?
    Also, I just love how you started talking to me again, especially after what you said.
    (GSYTHGtrf, internet makes me post twice at different times! DX) You should also read Rainbow Factory and Sweet Apple Massacre.
    Sorry, my internet sometimes posts things twiceand doesnt show the first post. :\

    So you've read the cupcakes story?
    Sorry, my internet sometimes posts things twiceand doesnt show the first post. :\

    So you've read the cupcakes story?
    Even through a storm on the darkest night, don't you ever give up the fi-ight. Even when you feel you're all a-loooo-oo-one!

    Play on, when you're losing the game. Play on, cause you're gonna make mistakes. It's always worth the sacrafice, even when you think you're wrong. So play oooo-ooon.

    We had to do an animation...and I did one.

    But I swear that what I had in mind was dancing...
    Even when the floodgate swings right open, never let the currents take you down. No-ooh. Even when you're not sure where you're going, swimming through a mess and you can't get out. Just going through the motions. And trying not to drown.

    Play on, when you're losing the game. Play on, cause you're gonna make mistakes. It's always worth the sacrafice, even when you think you're wrong. So play oooo-ooon.
    Anyway, I already received my grades. B at Art!

    Unsure if you want to know how...
    Look down,
    Back up.
    Where are you?
    You're in a forum with the man your man could type like.
    What's on your hand?
    Back to me.
    I have it.
    It's a keyboard with keys you use to type.
    Look again, the keys are now golden stars.
    Anything is possible when your man types like a man and not a lady.
    I'm on a boat.
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