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  • I find psychical strength to be an unfair advantage. I mean, if you're a scawny kid and you're arguing with a well-toned athlete, chances are the scrawny kid's gonna get his face caved in.
    Unfair little world we live in. ;~;
    Well, I guess I've got an advantage there; my family is pretty wiry, and we got pretty lanky builds. ._. And my brother's a die-hard gamer... He doesn't get off his lazy butt for a lot of things.
    I deal with the same crap, man.

    See, my brother and I both listen to the same type of music. Only problem is, he listens to darker, heavier branches of that type. I like metal a lot, but he listens to screamo. I can't take that very lightly, so I tend to shout across the house for him to shut up, and we start arguing and it usually ends in my face being red from him bitch slapping me and his foot bruised since I fight back. It's a vicious cycle...

    Not to mention that's all he listens to is screamo and heavy metal. I listen to anything but country, and he always starts complaining when I play something as recent as Maroon Five. That's just how it is, I guess...

    I must say, after I read that one-shot, I could relate to it very easily. Your brother tends to mirror my own with little difficulty, and we're the same in situations like that.

    ... I said a lot. ._.
    ... Taking a wild guess here, but did the one-shot you post today kind of describe it in a nutshell?
    I'm doing pretty good. I watched The Nightmare Before Christmas earlier, and my Jack and Sally plushie were on the bed beside me. >:3
    It was an epic win.

    How about you? Things going good, I hope?
    Aaaah, Kiara is funny. :3

    Here's the lineart for the 100% human Tess. You said glossy hair. I gave it downright reflective properties.
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