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  • if he doesn't pick it up
    you do
    ask him out
    my believes are firmly deposited in you, flora
    maybe he's like me and the prospect scares him
    be the less scared person and ask him out
    there's like 0% chance of rejection.
    I don't have a chance with anyone. I have to buckle down till university.

    I would kill to know what a crush actually is, regardless if it was a monthish. I would kill for a monthish.

    I do that with a couple friends of mine
    I ship them and she keeps denying they'll be together when they totally work.
    well this is gonna sound kind of weird/depressing but
    getting turned down is actually really good
    then you can just stop worrying about the whole deal.

    don't ask me, I don't even know what a crush is. :P

    No I mean be completely obvious
    just state it
    be all like 'i'm in love with you you moron'
    corner him and kiss the dumbass
    u know what to do
    get rid of those gummy bears gurl
    do it

    By the way, what's homecoming? They don't do those here. Is it like some sort of welcome party?
    Oh. I get sea-sick really easily! I wasn't nauseous, I was just so light-headed and I couldn't. Walk. I don't know why. So maybe I've been drunk on motion.
    So... like being sea-sick?

    Being drunk is weird. It's like a special disease that you only get from drinking too much vodka-juice.
    "it was very much a thing." That is my new favourite sentence, dear god.

    I'm... already afraid of her. Though you said you were shaking so you were probably more than tipsy, even if you weren't drunk!
    …Oh. Oh my. God. Oh my god.

    Let's hope you were drunk, because if you weren't, we can only wonder what happens when you are.
    Well, something''s something, regardless of how long it lasts. I'd kill for even one date.

    When you see him, remember to rip out the damn gummy bears from your chest, or else they will congeal and start to rot. And that's not pretty. Not one bit.
    Damn, son. I'm guessing this ended senior year?
    Well, there's always the Shakespeare Troupe. If you see him there, ask to speak in private or something. Then pour your heart out at him, because what ifs are terrible. It hugely helps to get your mind off the person; worked for me., and I'm as emotionally developed as a cabbage.
    Well, you've done it before, haven't you? Then at least you have some experience at it. What about just saying it when you're both alone (or relatively alone)?
    Is that a troupe? What plays will you be preforming?

    also now you're in for a world of annoying brother
    I'm currently high on hormones, so I get high off of romance or anything even remotely romantic. So go for it.
    Here's an analogy I helped a friend of mine with:
    Your problems (specifically, your relationship-starting problems) are like a bag of gummy bears strapped to your chest. You can either take them off yourself, or whine about having them on your chest. In your case, it's more like waiting for someone to take them off for you.

    I hope it is! Good luck with your theatrical endeavors, as well!
    Amazing! How so?

    I've been finding life heading upwards, as well! Instead of doing two plays this year (one normal and one musical), we're doing this one huge play because of the school's 50th anniversary. It's gonna be in an actual theatre, and the auditions are next Wednesday. The only bad thing is that it's about the guy who founded the order who founded the school (my school is private and Catholic), but it's... different (not as much emphasis on the founder's life), and a musical, too. I also auditioned for Forensics last week; they've still not posted who made the cut and who didn't because they've dragged out the auditions.
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