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  • I wondered how you would respond to that.

    Did you know the hole at the centre of a chello is called the F-hole well now you do
    Oh. I guess that makes sense. I had a friend that was eleven through all of sixth grade and I didn't know. She told me she was having her thirteenth birthday and I fell out of my chair.

    It's weird, sometimes I think, "Wow, my aunt is young, she still has a lot of life ahead of her," and then I remember that I'm fourteen.
    You're a... baby? That's ridiculous, you're old enough to go to jail, that's all that really matters to me! Next year, if someone buys you an alcoholic drink, say, "I lost interest, now that it's legal." I can imagine the reaction will be priceless.
    Happy Un-Birthday! Hope it's accurate. Hair length wasn't actually mentioned in your description so I just kinda' guessed. The scan doesn't show the lighter grays like I wanted it to, either. >:I
    Well, the only quotes worth remembering are the ones everyone knows, so usually I just weird people out with obscure references that I have to explain.
    Me neither. But I have a weird knack for remembering movies down to the word after only seeing them a few times. My brother can too.
    I imagined the regal ones but those can be used for cooling too, right?

    Also doesn't that peacock in Kung Fu Panda use fans
    * cooling. Damn iPod autocorrected it, I know because it just did it again when I tried to type it in this message.
    It sounds amazing, I can picture badass, graceful peacockery as Sadie beats people senseless with her cooking device.

    Thanks! She's actually a character from Aloe but shhh.


    I also an excited to use Willow, she throws Easter eggs with useful things inside. Most explode.
    Terribly sorry to bother you about this, but could you update your sign-up in this thread? I added some things onto the sign-up sheet that I forgot before, hopefully I won't have to make anyone update again.
    /looks at map

    I always thought Pennsylvania was between Michigan and New York.
    It's hella hot here. Always. My room has its own air conditioning unit and it still feels like hell.
    Hopefully. I used to be pretty fast, but not so much anymore. Does temperature influence anything?

    And oh yeah I have problems with all that bullshit, I've been better about it recently though.
    Actually, I started doing yucky physical things instead of not eating (instead is a bad word: more like "in addition to") so I feel sort of accomplished! Except my mile is reaaaally slow.
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