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  • One time I got that same comment! From my neighbour. Who is a heterosexual male. ?_? But it's... cute!! I hope you realise that you have to get married and have a baby Flora and name it Dazel.

    Huh. I guess it's... good? I suppose being overly obvious might be a little weird.
    Aw! I bet he said you're pretty, aw. i think this is way cuter than it really is, what

    I did that to someone once. It turned out they're the kind of person who shares 9Gag stuff every fucking day and... well, it was irritating, to say the least.
    ...But who has anything relevant to say on old profile pictures anyway?

    Also maybe he added you to his best friends list! So then he gets notifications every time you do something.
    I was going to make a weird picture but Pixlr broke.

    Well, you have to make it happen! You should totally do it no matter what, it's a good idea and it won't really hurt!
    Well, I have no idea what he looks like, so to me he's Christian Bale.

    Also hey maybe in playing it you can get him to admit things too.
    I can see a little Flora holding her little guitar on the ground singing Annie or something, and then Christian Bale looking out the window and jumping into your arms from four stories.

    Aw! You should do that even if you don't do it to tell him you like him, because playing that game is probably helpful anyway.

    What cakes aren't great.
    Well, something tells me he's going to continue along at this level of ambiguity until one of you makes a more... daring move, I suppose?

    And so too will you be. I'm picking out cakes now, chocolate or plain?
    Well... if he really did any of the things you said, I can't see how he wasn't flirting. So good job, I guess? you should ask him out already its way overdue

    What about this one? I think you'd be pretty in it. Nice and minimalist; not overly complex, but beautiful nonetheless. I don't know, I like it.
    Huh. Maybe it... seems better in your mind or something? So when you describe it, it ends up sounding better than it was? But it's basically flirting no matter how you spin it, so I can't imagine why anyone would say otherwise.

    Okay he called you sweetheart it's official. I'm already picking out a wedding dress.
    That's flirting, Flora. That's basically a not-so-covert way of saying, "I love Rachel a lot." He's got the mad hots for you.

    Oh, also, hugging. :3
    To an... extent. I just saw the latest thing and it made me want to message you. Weston keeps telling me about it but I'm... not really sure what's happening, no.
    Those sound fun. The Miser sounds like something written by Moliere. The Theatre Club once did one of his plays, years ago.

    Apparently I got a good part, because the director's assistant was really happy when she told me that the parts had been handed out.
    What kind of shows are you putting on?

    My school's celebrating 50 years since the congregation who runs it and the school itself was established, so this year they're demolishing the usual normal play/musical structure in favor of one big play with double everything (budget, exposure, you name it). The bad thing is, it has to do with the whole history of the congregation without making it all preachy and super religiously. The only good thing about the whole thing is that it's gonna be in a theater that's not the school's.
    once the shows happen, there will inevitably be some part when he'd like to see you alone
    aaand there's your cue

    by the way, are these the shakespeare troupe shows?
    Well, a friend of mine who graduated last year got a girlfriend at a theater camp somewhere in the US. He's studying here in Puerto Rico, and they're gonna meet up for Christmas. I don't think you'll have problems if the whole thing is strong enough. ^^
    Ah, I see.

    Then gut instinct all the way. I highly suggest that, for your own happiness, you ask him out. That's the only way this can work. You have a window, and that window will close soon. Can you get him alone? or are you guys never alone?
    Have you asked Wit? (easier than saying 'the witness' imo)

    love is confusing
    it's like people who say don't have relationships in hs but you still want one so badly
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