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  • Hey, Flora! It's been a long time.
    Recently, I've been thinking about college. A few of my friends have their sights set on theatre, so I've seriously started to consider it. Where would you recommend I start to look for information and such?
    I guess it's good that he's less bad? That said, if he was still being dumb be would pretty blatantly be being dumb. I mean, who wouldn't act a bit better under those circumstances?
    ...I guess it's nice that she wanted to help? Although, on the other hand, you're kind of an adult and can kind of do that on your own, I suppose.

    Yeah, personal change is and always has and will be a... personal thing? That is off, I agree.

    I think maybe he's being manipulative subconsciously. Like, I used to pull similar (albeit not as extreme) shit mainly because I knew what reactions I could get out of people. I didn't feel like I was being deceitful, though.

    (Also, I should probably read the thread and your tumblr but hhhh I don't have time. :( )
    I didn't see it, but I'll check it out when I can.

    Oh, man. I can see why that would be troubling. Like, you aren't sure whether he's being manipulative, and you feel kind of bad thinking so because he's so ~upset~?
    Sounds like tag, but with impactful threats in place of touching each other's shoulders.

    That's true, although I kind of have to at least try and win, because I have to live with this woman for at least three more years and living with someone who has power over you and hates you for that long is... bad.
    Wow, what. That's the most juvenile thing you can do.

    The grades are better because the semester restarted, so everything is a hundred so far. :p And she hates me because I challenge the Bible and I'm a determined atheist, I guess. Which I'm not even, but okay.
    ...You really don't catch a break, do you.

    Things are all right. Pretty sure my mum hates me now, but my grades are loads better, at least.
    I'm on a quest to get a medal that requires me registering, and being online at the same time as, 100 friends. What's your FC? Mine's 3883-5650-7552.
    Get someone to tell you how to do it properly and copy the way they tell you how to do it and use that method on others.
    But that means you get to tell people what to do, that's always fun

    It actually means "stuffed eggplants" but the literal translation is "little eggplant shoes". Because why not I guess.
    that's sucky :( hope you're still enjoying it nonetheless!

    I learned how to say "little eggplant shoes" in Greek yesterday, other than that nothing much is happening on my end
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