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  • My Little Pony, Hetalia, Death Note (though I haven't seen, or in DN's case, read any of those in forever), other manga/anime things, tons of music, the Trauma Center series, Pokemon (duh)...

    And yeah, that should be a good start.
    Do you have any IM programs of any kind?
    What are your interests (other than Kingdom Hearts)?
    I just... all these feels. Like, they're not all that powerful but I have no idea how you feel about it and ugh.
    Also, my head is swimming, which isn't helping the situation at all.
    Pick up Rhapsodia if you have the chance for that, too: it's $5 if there's a store with it near you, and I logged about 90 hours in two or three playthroughs before I got bored, so that's probably the best five bucks I've ever spent. And it's nice to go into Rhapsodia having just played IV.

    I totally forgot about that :B
    It's not a very long game and hey, ten bucks. Do iiiiiiit. ... IV is commonly agreed to be the worst in the main series, but it's not a bad game by any stretch and anyway it and Tactics/Rhapsodia are easiest to find.

    ... Wait, have you played any of the Suikoden games? Have I been unaware of someone I can nerd at?
    BEACH HOUUUUUUUUSE world's greatest bad ending

    I'm not having much trouble emulating IV on my terrible laptop, if you can't get a legit copy. :Db
    I try to avoid problems by never using any names and never telling anyone about what I do on the internet
    Oh man
    If people found out what I do on the internet
    Yeah, I get that. I try to keep my personal life separate from the rest. Makes everything easier.
    Like, someone found out? Yeah, I'm really paranoid about something like that happening. Actually, I'm just kind of paranoid.
    So. Hello there. How are you, random girl who is apparently hyper and who I don't really know all that well.

    In fact, the only thing I can really associate with you is your habit to rant talk about your friends.

    ...I remember people, okay?
    Would you happen to be that person who followed me on tumblr randomly?

    'cause hi there if you are. And hi there even if you aren't.
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