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  • Hmm. Well, Rainbow Dash does pure speed, so I think another pure speed would be fitting. We could have the attack/defense with Big Mac and then put the slowness on Applejack. Trixie could be like that, sure.

    At your place? Great! I... actually never knew it was out, but I assume it was because of the hurricane?

    aaaaa I'm sorry I missed this.

    I honestly had no idea. I have about 300-ish songs on iTunes, and I want an iPod/Phone/Touch/whatever so bad.
    Does your schedule change at all over the course of the year?
    Well, I saw it from your VM first. xD

    Right now I'm brainstorming with Cupcakes, so.

    Yes! Now, are we talking about cupcakes or Cupcakes? If it's cupcakes, then I have an idea!

    Twilight: will inflict a STAB psychic attack on the person who eats it.

    Applejack: Each pokemon will gain +1 attack and +1 defense because bulkiness.

    Rarity: Will heal 5% health and generosity.

    Rainbow Dash: Each pokemon will gain +3 speed.

    Fluttershy: Attack and special attack lowered with status affects removed?

    Celestia: Each pokemon will go God Tier and become their final stage.

    Luna: It will become night. All weather will be removed and dark/ghost type moves will gain a STAB boost in addition to STAB.

    Lyra: If Bon-Bon was eaten within two rounds then both pokemon will become attracted to each other?

    DJ-PON3: Special attack and defense will be raised by +1 because of coolness?

    Bon-Bon: If Lyra was eaten within two rounds then both pokemon will become attracted to each other?

    Derpy: Each pokemon becomes confused.

    Baked bads: Each pokemon will lose 5% health and 5% energy.

    Big Macintosh: Each pokemon will lose -3 speed because he's slow.

    Trixie: Each pokemon will gain +3 in every stat, but be inflicted with confusion, burn, paralysis and hex.

    My idea is that they all eat the same cupcake, and once they're out of cupcakes (they can't be reused) Pinkie will come in. Each pokemon will incur ~10% damage a round until they faint. This is a spur of the moment thing, but how does it sound?

    It'll be coming soon!

    I might be able to do that if it doesn't involve drawing! I'd love to have a battle; where would you want to fight? Maybe in Ponyville or something would be fun? (CUUUPCAKES IN SUGARCUBE CORNER.)
    ... That's completely hilarious. xD

    I'll get to that soon; just finished up reading it.

    What? I have a feeling you're talking about replying. >_>;;

    ((Replying to your other VMs as well.))
    I think my brother's in fairly good condition.

    You don't need to worry about the countries and capitals anymore, I already failed that test XD
    It used to come on the radio all the time when I lived in Illinois a few years back. Those were some good times, around when I met one of my best friends.

    Don't worry, I'm sure yours wil get better! Stuff always improves over time, I'm almost sure your year will to.
    It is, I know! It's one of those songs that's very nostalgic to me.

    Oh, thanks! It hasn't happened yet, but I just have a feeling it's going to be awesome this year.
    Well, that's good!

    ... Except I probably can't reply until tomorrow now. >_<;; The computer is in use right now and I'm using my DSi.
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