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  • I love ice cream. Well, not mint chocolate chip or strawberry. But chocolate and vanilla are awesome. But I honestly prefer frozen yogurt even more. Because the yogurt shop I always has cake batter-flavored yogurt and it tastes like amazingness.
    No, I have not tried any version of cobbler. Which one are you talking about, anyways?
    No. Though they found the Humanizer, it worked for only one of them, and... it had unexpected effects. It's all explained in the Time Skip I did.
    Who, me?

    *Sits through all of the questions*. ...can you repeat the third, fifth, and sixth questions again?
    All that's important is pretty much summed up by me in the RP thread in the post where I initiate the time skip. But in case it might not make sense: One of them got trapped in a barrier that surrounded a city he tried to break into, they went into a hospital to find the switch to turn off the barrier (known as the console), and also, to find a device called the Humanizer, which transforms a person back to human form. And the rest's in that post, pretty much.

    Also, there was a weird Absol who kept giving odd prophecies and seemed sort of insane. But she's disappeared now.
    Nah, you've had six weeks. Anyway, it's a great time to jump in! We're having a sort of... time skip to really ahead, which means you won't have to be caught up on recent events that much.
    Haha, we've all been there, Glace. I remember back in my illiterate days xD. I was a terror.
    I was mentioning the part in parenthesis. But now you're making me suspicious...
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