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  • Oh, you're fine. xD I've been forgetting about this forum in general, sooo...yeah.
    Of course, of course! The only way to fix this is with mayonnaise cake!

    Is that one from Swarm of the Century? Haven't watched that one many times, but it does sound like something she would say.

    And I said, "Oatmeal! Are you crazy?!"
    Eugh, I know. My best options other than computer is my phone and DSi. My phone doesn't accept the enter key when typing, sadly. My DSi is okay except there is a text limit and it takes forever to use. I've still gone through with it when I didn't have any other options, though.

    Actually, the Spike on there looks cool. Better than most of them, though my favorite is still Pinkie Pie.
    Then yeah, give a DQ warning. When I said 'more lenient' I meant, like, 72 hours as opposed to 48.
    After they either say that they're back or the time they'd be back in their original post has passed, then yes. However, for the latter situation I'd be more lenient than not.
    Eh, I would say not, as the water would just drain away through the railings. A boat wouldnt really be able to be flooded on the outside
    Oh. :/ Well then, can you access TCoD with something other than a computer?

    The picture is pretty good, but Rainbow Dash looks odd with that hair. Too... blendy. Needs to look like extensions or something because you just can't dye your hair smoothly between different colors. I think. The noses are unnatural, too, and Twilight Sparkle looks way too old compared to Pinkie Pie. Although Pinkie herself looks pretty great.

    I really couldn't do much better myself, though. :(
    :D I think that makes you about 20% cooler. Could you link me it, then?

    Anyway, are you going to jump back in with Sanctic? I've got this big huge post halfway written, but it involves interaction so not godmod I have to make it vague and I'm trying to wait until Metalos is online to post it so I don't shoehorn him into a location he wouldn't be in.
    heh heh heh

    you're gonna die and it's all my fault (DIY Pokemafia 2)

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