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  • Blinkingsky gave up his spot for you, though I see you've already contacted each other. You're reserved now~
    Yes. Although I am intrigued by it, it would be too hard for me to write good, concise posts for it and I would just feel like I was wasting a good spot. Should I regret this later, then whatever-I'll just wait for somebody else to drop out then.
    Do you want my spot in Dreams of the Past? I just realized that it would be pretty tough for me to write something for that RP, so I would be willing to give my spot up to you if you want it still.
    (Ah right. I'll consider it... but as I said, I think I prefer the OCC thread for those sort of things.)

    Hmm... no clue, I'm afraid. Where I come from, we tend to lack common sense.
    (Oh, I'm SORRY. I didn't know you answered. Stupid thing didn't tell me. As for the Social Group, I don't really think it's necessary. Those groups tend to be ignored by most people anyway and aren't frequently checked. I think the OCC thread serves its function.)

    ;;Gets back into character and is sailing on the motherf**ing boat;;
    Do you need prodding? I need prodding a lot, too. x3

    Okay. Responded! :3
    Okay then.

    Sure? Don't really need "permission" to PM, it's totally fine! :)
    Okay. Metalos said he's going to post first, so then I'll post and we can see where it goes. ^_^'
    Uh, yeah. He offered to carry Hailey so she could catch up with the group. If... you really want to apologize, sure?

    Oh gosh! Shucks, I'm sorry our game got out of control.

    (Bidoof is fun. ^.^)
    Good! I'll wait for Metalos first, I think, then go on and post. He's still online, right?
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