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    I don't want a relationship until at least next year, maybe later.
    'Kay. So are we going to postpone the Sanctic battle until after the tournament? Although that could take a while. And when we have it, are you going to want to borrow Harlequin?
    Indeed. Of course, Isei's going to be one of "Those Two Guys" with Prektaan, but I might introduce Isei at Level 3, and then give a reason as to why Prektaan shows up later. Or vice versa.
    Hmmm. I'm still having a hard time trying to figure out just what Isei's actions will be, and not only did I create the 'mon, bu the RP hasn't even started yet!

    That being said, Isei already strikes me as the "manipulative" type, so perhaps a false friendship will happen. Choices, choices...
    Isei is the enigmatic Beheeym who is my second Dreams of the Past (DotP) character. His strange behaviors will be a nice contrast to the attitudes of your character
    I think that was established when Leo started calling Jin "otter boy" instead of "otter." I wonder just how far you plan on prying...

    I do like your DotP character. Once Isei is introduced, I can already imagine the fun that will ensue...
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