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  • They get it out! What are you waiting for?

    (Also, newsflash, apparently it has split into two groups now. The city group and the forest group. Some others wanted to go with Glenn.)
    I am sorry I just read a reffing you made about Prince the Piplup using Mud Slap and Mud Sport in a castle, where there is no actual mud to use. I'm pretty sure these attacks should have failed, honestly. Idk I was just feeling like pointing that out.
    How will we cross? Got a boat in your pocket? I left my pocketboat at home...

    (Not much, really. All that happened was that this monster known as she ripped its hugeass claw into the wall, scared the Crusaders away, which allowed everyone to escape. Some people escaped through a hole in the roof that I believe Glenn made, others escaped through the hole in the wall the claw made when it left. They got outside of the building, chatted up a bit, some people evolved. Glenn actually is a Metang now, he evolved as Suijin was riding him. Some new characters showed up. Glenn wants to go in the direction of the city, but a lot of people don't really seem to want to go there, opting to go to a nearby forest. Suddenly, the claw came back and ripped apart the ceiling, by which time most people had gotten off of it. Now they're running frantically for their lives before it attacks them, going towards the forest, as I've said. But Glenn isn't following, he seems still to want to go to the city because he thinks that there might be a way to transform back into being a human there. Others are reluctant due to the fact that they risk getting caught again.)
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