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  • Nooo, I liked it xD I just had to go babysit my little brother while my parents went on a date, and forgot to reply >.<
    Well then.

    Go to www.mibbit.com. Click Chat Now. You should be on a gray page with a little box in the middle. Click the server link, then input "irc.veekun.com", then set your username, and the channel as #tcod.
    Ul-Luckaga? That's just a myth, right? I was only just doing my typical business here in town... it all began when I was buying new spell tomes, and that woman cast some sort of odd spell on me, then became an impostor and ran off. Nearly the whole town, even though it's a pretty crazy place in Fortuna Major anyway, thought I was nuts and horrible because she'd steal things from them and ruin my reputation. They eventually managed to unmask her and apologized to me, but she ran off, still imitating my appearance... and I was afraid something bad could happen, so I went looking for her, through the bog. I saw some weird things happen, including a zombie that tried to attack me, but I saw her, and I ran back into town to follow her.

    Then I realized that I needed something to confront her, so I talked to my good pal, the owner of this shop, and he told me to go to the back. And here we are.
    She does... so who are you and what brings you to this place anyway? Why were you traveling around with that... that despecable woman?

    (I'm not going to be posting in Sanctic yet, because I want to give others a chance to, so let me just say this, yes, it is okay that he could translate that much writing. I don't think it makes much sense for them to be unable to read human language anyway if they can understand it.)
    Oh we-

    Voice: NOT SO FAST!

    Huh, wuh?! Oh no... oh no.

    Voice: That's not Arylett, she's an IMPOSTER!

    Crap, I'd better high-jink it out of here! ;;Steals your Luckaga Scrolls, then jumps out the window;;

    ;;The REAL Arylett runs in;; ...Dammit, she got away...
    True, it was awkward. But yes, I am the fabled Arylett herself! It's been me all along... and I have the Tome of Ul-Luckaga. Right here.
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