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  • Well, in my opinion, wingarms looks cooler than arms. And at least Reshiram has balls, when Zekrom is a wuss.

    Reshiram > Zekrom
    ...it depends? If they're naturally occurring creatures and aren't intelligent/civilized enough to count as a sapient race, then probably? Or they could be people or demons or...

    I need context, man.
    Meh, maybe. I'm trying to convince myself that he still cares about me so that I'm not completely all like, "BWAAAGH LIFE IS TEH SUXXORZ". And I guess that's how my parents will find out, but not for a while, since I'm only two weeks and three days along right now.

    Yeah, he is. But yesterday he was actually being really nice to me, though mostly because his friends (who are also my friends) were all like "PSSSH SHE'S GONNA KILL HERSELF OVER YOU OR SOMETHING" and he didn't want me to go jump off a bridge or something. And the bad thing is that I still love him (or rather, the old him, not the new him that smokes pot 24/7). DAMN YOU LIFE D<

    They don't know yet. I'm scared out of my shit to tell them, mostly because my father would be very disappointed in me and both of my parents want to kill the father already. He isn't a very nicd guy, though somehow I fell in love with him, and he ended up using me for sex. He broke up with me two days after he got me pregnant. So, yeah. I don't know how I'm going to tell them.

    And I'm sorry to hear that. *hugs and gives cookies*
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