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  • No actually because I have another friend who likes Meowth and the reason I want a shiny Meowth is related to her
    's fine, I wouldn't like to trade for one anyway. hence why I want to chain a shiny Meowth myself if I can


    well okay okay I banished my sister somewhere where she can't see the screen
    I can't chain to save my life :V I've tried but I never get close to forty.

    -Exeggcute in FireRed, circa 2005. Did not catch because I did not realize it was a shiny until I'd already run away (I wasn't paying much attention to the game).
    -Oddish in Gold, circa 2005. I ended up deleting it by mistake
    -Spinarak in Crystal, circa 2005/2006. I also ended up deleting it. D:
    -Rattata in FireRed, circa 2006/2007. I ended up deleting this one too.
    -Zubat in Diamond, late 2008. Didn't catch it because it was a new game and thus I wouldn't have been able to save.
    -Spearow in FireRed (ended up becoming part of my main team), January 2009. Now every time a Fearow is sent out I automatically expect the shiny sparkle.
    -Geodude in Platinum, March/April 2009. It used Selfdestruct.
    -Zigzagoon in Emerald, December 2009. Successful catch :3
    -Raticate in HeartGold, just about a month or so ago. I traded that to Platinum before starting a new file, in which I found...
    Oh yeah the prevo-face-hood :D

    Baron Alberto in that Darkrai movie had one so it gets bonus points from that. P:

    nah man my sister is here and I don't want her to take sneak peeks of my conversations >:C
    My team is fireboar, pantslizard, rockthing (Gantoru), grassmonkey, centipedething and swan :U I've beaten was it 6 gyms already and started a White game too with smugsnake as my starter P: (durp I didn't like Lickilicky at first but now I really do, because it's pretty cute CB)
    what mask where O: my brain is slow today

    I know right it was completely unexpected (seven years of Pokémon playing and probably over 2000 hours, and I've only ever found ten shinies) and such a perfect irony. (I named the Gligar Debate. :VVV)
    Pants lizard? Yes <3
    I have one in-game too, he's kickass in so many ways CB
    also the dark e4 guy who I have as my avatar has one too (awesome)

    you have a cool avatar btw :U
    why are you looking at my old sprite thread it sucked.

    Where did you find the sprite animation you've got as your avatar?
    <3 cutesy bffs for life!
    man i wish i could draw so that image would be real ;w;
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