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  • Talking about my chat with him? That was me trying to find something to talk about and failing
    Just read it.

    You know, if you really /were/ a worthless piece of crap and a social retard, I don't think the whole of TCoD would be so accepting of you. Point is, it's not you that's the problem; it's your peers. iirc they've been raised to believe in stuff that they probably don't know the first thing about and have no real concrete reason to believe in anyway, and they're making fun of you for being able to think for yourself.
    Yeah, Mewtwo's ability to breed probably depends on exactly how Mews breed in the first place.

    "Genderless" is actually supposed to be "unknown gender" (it was actually labeled as "unknown" back in G/S/C if you went to the daycare place with one)... so there's the possibility that "genderless" Pokémon are actually male, female, neither, or even both. So if Mews actually are genderless (or both-gendered) and reproduce asexually, Mewtwo probably would be able to spawn a new species of his own if he wanted to... if the scientists didn't screw up his reproductive system, anyway.
    There's only one Mewtwo, though... and he seems to be male. With the way Pokémon breeding usually works, if he did breed (with a female Mew, or maybe some other mammal-like Pokémon?), the baby would end up being the same species as whatever he managed to breed with, not another Mewtwo. Of course, there might be a bit of "Mewtwo-ness" passed on in the babies (like they could be unnaturally strong... maybe he's the father of Ash's "what do you mean Ground's immune to Electric" Pikachu?)

    Or he could be so messed-up from all the experiments that he just can't breed, whether they actually made him infertile or if they just changed him so much from a regular Mew that he's no longer compatible with them.

    Just because the original was older doesn't mean the clone is; cloning makes a completely new being with the same genetic code as the original, not an exact duplicate. So the clone would be like a much younger version of the original, without any of the original's memories or personality (or any other things that it wasn't born with that would have developed throughout its life, like injuries, diseases, etc.) For example, the cloned Meowth didn't know how to speak English even though the original one did (if I remember right, anyway--it's been a while since I saw the Mewtwo movie.)
    So unless Mewtwo rapid-aged them all to exactly match the age of the originals, they'd technically be newborns. Of course, there probably was some rapid-aging involved, since they didn't come out of the cloning machine acting like babies... but it's hard to say just how much they were "aged up."
    Yeah, I'm generally the exact opposite when it comes to legendaries... unless there's absolutely no way there can be more than one of them (like Mewtwo), I tend to think of them as just being very strong and very rare species of otherwise-normal Pokémon, with the mythology surrounding them being pretty much made up (or at least greatly exaggerated) by humans over the years.

    About the clone Nidoqueen having midget Nidoqueen babies, the only possible expanation for that is this: "It's the anime, you never know what kind of weird crap's going to happen." XD

    Of course, it was a cloned Nidoqueen, so something could have gone wrong with the cloning process that changed how things worked. Or maybe the female Nido line is only able to breed during their first year/first few years of life (regardless of whether or not they've evolved), and since the newly-cloned Nidoqueen didn't exist as a Nidoran or Nidorina before, she was still within that time limit and could still breed despite already being a Nidoqueen.

    Of course, I think that movie was made before G/S/C's breeding mechanics (and maybe even the concept of Pokémon eggs; I can't remember if the Togepi egg showed up before then or not) were introduced... so it's kind of like the "baby Pikachus" situation in one of the earlier episodes with the forest full of Pikachus.
    Well... Latias and Latios are an entire species, not just two individuals. Even in the anime they mentioned other Latios/Latias existing (the father/parents of the Latios in the movie, I think?), and one of the games has a Pokédex entry that mentions them living in large colonies somewhere.

    And the Heatran you catch at Stark Mountain can be either male or female; that seems like a pretty big hint toward there being at least two of them just for that volcano, and probably more in other volcanoes around the world. One of the Ranger games also has a Heatran, if I remember right, and both Palmer and Mira use one in the Battle Tower... so there's at least five of them in the world, and four in Sinnoh alone.

    With Nidorina/Nidoqueen--it could be that the Moon Stone radiation makes Nidoqueens completely infertile, and it's only Nidorinas that tend to die in childbirth. Of course, one of the earlier Pokédex entries mentions them taking care of their young... so the whole not-being-able-to-breed thing might just be a weird mistake in the egg groups that they just never fixed for some reason.

    Or maybe Nidorinas really can't breed, but popping out all those eggs in a row as a tiny little foot-long Nidoran tends to level them up enough to evolve. XD
    Wait, what? How did you do the wrong thing if it was a pixel-over contest?

    Also that would've been very obvious so it's good that you didn't do it xD
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