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  • ... please don't.

    or if you can't help it and i can't do anything to fix it, don't notify me everytime you do. it squicks me out D:
    yeah, i understand that. It's a constant fear of mine too. I sometimes dream about my parents getting divorced and I wake up crying and stuff. But that's really all it is: a bad dream.
    well i mean, you may already know why they're fighting, but bring it up with her in a conversation or something. ask her why they are (even if you know) and maybe include how it makes you feel?
    what if you calmly asked them why they were fighting?

    i get frustrated when i can't get it x:
    that would definitely hurt me. but then again if they started anything like that i'd probably get in the middle of the argument and shout "CALM YOUR HORMONES!" to them and demand them to stop fighting, so... x:

    i'm bad at math. i just don't get it sometimes D:
    Well, only if you start having suicidal or dangerous thoughts, that makes you emo. Cutting is a way of shifting your inside emotional pain to the outside, and the thoughts keep the pain coming.
    i just can't wait to get out of this shithole i used to call a home. It's really gone down since six years ago D:

    well, for taking it as a sophomore for my first time, yes. i just need to improve my math skills fast. xD
    nah, you're not depressing me. i'm a happy child C:

    i just found out my SAT scores. holy fuck, was that nervewracking
    Ah. Dress khakis. I have an almost emo amount of black clothes in my wardrobe, so dressing for a funeral isn't a problem, but that's not to say I enjoy funerals. :(
    well, i really wish i could help you somehow, but i don't think it's possible for me to do something like that.

    in other news, holy shit i'm fucking nervous as hell.
    you can take it. i know 12-13 things are rough. for me they were too, but you gotta trust me when i say it will get better.

    it also doesn't help that once you get into your teens you're just an angst ridden mess sometimes, but... x:
    yeah, but i'm sure there are other ways than slicing yourself to deal with everything. D:
    still, man, i'm fifteen years old. haven't been a baby for a long time. and while sometimes babying me can be cute in its odd little way, it's kinda too much sometimes too?
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