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  • But cutting my face wouldn't be that bad. It would hurt for a while, but it'd heal. :]

    Man, this site is wanting me to find someone who needs a kidney transplant or something and giving them one of mine. D:
    xDD oh god, I shouldn't laugh about that.

    I once saw the light from my smoke detector in the middle of the night. I got up, tried to touch it and said, "MOM! I can't go to sleep until I touch the button!" I was so loud I woke up my mom, she came over to see what I was doing and when I saw she was there, I just went back to bed. xD
    Me too! Which is a problem because I have top bunk at my boarding school. It hurts, but it's kinda funny too. xD
    What jerks >:[

    Awwww! Cute. xD I also sleeptalk. I'm strange. :]

    Yeah... same. xD
    Awwww... poor. D:

    Haha. That never happens. I'm either killed, going to be killed, or chased by some crazy stalker person. xD but I have some pretty badass dreams too. Oh, and I sleeptext. It's weird. xD

    You should! I've wanted to do that, but I live in the middle of nowhere, so...
    Awww... Why can I imagine that all chibi-esque? But then again, spot on with the clumsiness.

    I had a dream that someone was trying to kill me. Again. =/
    Haha. Not into older girls? Jk jk

    Little kids are so cute. ♥ And yeah, something like that happened to me, too. Except there were only two of them and they started wrestling me to the ground. It was cute.
    "My best friend died in a car accident on his way to deliver me soup for my cold.

    Found in the car was also a bouquet of flowers and a card that read:

    "We've been best friends for the last 5 years. Now, let's be lovers for the next 50."

    Unforgettable LGMH"

    I think this is the one that's gonna make me overflow with tears. ;-;
    We're not pretending! You may consider me "cute", but there's no reason to be all antisocial! :D I'm like the opposite of antisocial, so I think I'm gonna try talking to you no matter what~ o:

    It's great, but it's making me thirsty.

    oh wow <333 People like this just make me happy.
    Don't be antisocial now, silly :]

    Mountain Dew? I'm in! :DD

    Loners so show emotions! Take it from a former loner. But it makes me happy from reading these, they're so... i can't even describe it <33
    Awwww... you get shy? :D

    "i know you know that i'm not telling the truth"? :D

    Of crazy hair? o: Can I be in this awesome world?

    I'm reading GMH and wow. I think I'm gonna start to cry soon.
    Please don't lie to me. D: guys lie to me a lot as it is...

    Nuuuu... It would mess up my beautiful Psych sig~ :DD

    In other news, I have really crazy hair right now
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