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  • Were you stalking me? xD

    Ohhhhhh... I see. Well, kinda. I'm very happy and optimistic, so maybe not so much?
    Ikmik = Chew, tobacco, whatever else you people down in the states call it :D

    .... <3333 You, sir, are awesome

    xDDD That's one way to put it...
    Noooo don't do it! D: that or ikmik. ughhh.... Oh sorry, eskimo word

    Nooo... no bink :D

    Omg. You won that game?! I always lose, it's so frustrating. D:<
    Awww... But good for you! :D most people I know smoke, so...

    Yeah! :D

    Lucky you won yours! I spent my own money on mine and I don't know what I'd do without it <3
    Haha. That's badass! :DD

    Well, it was a couple weeks ago. I'm over it. :D

    I have like... all of Green Day, thanks to my awesome dad~ <333
    Me either. One set of grandparents died before my mom met my dad. And my mom's dad died before my parents met. But my grandmother remarried, so I was raised by a step-grandpa.

    <3 I cried

    The song? I like it. But I also like Basket Case a lot too :]
    ... I should've known that. *hits self*

    Aww... I'm sorry. D:

    They used Good Riddance (Time of Your Life) as a graduation song and I bawled my eyes out even more. Actually, their new stuff isn't that bad, but American Idiot will always be my first and favorite Green Day album <3
    ikr? o: What the?

    ahhh.... i remember when i was young and stupid and 13. well, not really stupid, but yeah. And that's when I went through a Green Day phase. Still a great band, though :D
    Uhhh. I think I used mine. Yeah, pretty sure. I don't think I was very talented at a young age. Umm... I had my 2nd birthday in Singapore and during said trip to Singapore, I was bit on the arm by a feral cat and it left a huge gash?

    Awwwww! <333 I looove aviators. I want them. :D
    Ohhhh! Like bink, orrrr?

    Maybe I'm just having a blonde moment...

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