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  • I can. But maybe that's just me. :]

    not really. I only crawl when I have to, I actually don't have a bottle. and the only thing I do have is a bink that I don't use a lot. :]
    Like, I'm for the theory of evolution and all, but it'd be kind of stupid to not acknowledge the possibility of a "higher being" or whatever.

    Not really. :D *drinks rum*
    ... YAY! Except, well, I'm agnostic, so :X but athiests are cool too, many of my friends are anyway.

    ... Odd. There was rum in there. It should've made it worse :D
    Ehhh... republican hardcore Christians who talk in a Southern accent don't sound that awesome to me. But I have family there too, so...

    water! water! D: wait! *stop, drops, and rolls*
    Texas has like a bajillion people in it, silly!

    .... My hair... my awesome hair... </3 ;-;
    Yeah, if you're coming to Alaska anytime soon maybe then that'll be the case.

    High School in Texas = too cliquey. High School at my school = awesome possum and don't forget it ♥
    Wow, um... thanks? xD

    preschool? Hell no. Gonna be a Junior in high school next school year! :D
    Yes. :D

    Typh says I look sexy from my picture in Behind the Avatar. Should I take that compliment from her, just cause she's my waifu? D:
    You know, funny thing is, my parents wouldn't care if I have condoms. Dad would just look at me and be like, "*shrug* At least your safe." xD

    Oh, and everybody has a bink pretty much at my boarding school. Trust me, there's been weirder. :D and I only use it pretty much around my wife.
    Well, yeah. xD

    It is! :D But my bink is still in my suitcase in between all my letters from people, my BIIG notebook I write in, and... condoms. xD
    Why is that a relief?

    And yes, it's useful if you don't have any gum or anything. :D
    No way, Jose. :D

    though I did take a picture with a huuuuuuge bottle once. But yeah, me, not a baby. :]
    Yeah, some people are good at scratching. *coughalraunnecough* But I wouldn't worry about being bad at scratching. :P
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