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  • Let me translate. xD;

    Ah, what a coincidence! I myself am at the top of my English class, as well. I have a-person-who-likes-big-words tendencies, which I usually avoid so I don't confuse my classmates, but if you do indeed have a large vocabulary, you should be able to keep up, correct?

    Sesquipedalian = a person who likes big words. xD
    Ah, what a contingency! I myself predominate in my English class, as well. I have sesquipedalian tendencies, which I usually abstain from to avoid confounding my peers, but if you do indeed have an exorbitant vocabulary, you should be able to persist, correct?

    ...Naw I don't usually speak like this I'm just messing with you :P Though I do like big words.
    Oh. OTL I am not good with acronyms, in case you haven't noticed.

    Anyway, yeah, I plan to take French for as long as I can. It's one of my best subjects, so it'll look good on my report card when I apply to university :>
    Oh, are you an actual gifty? :0
    People are usually skeptical with me, too. Sometimes people's giftiness just shines through them - they just look or sound like it - but I've been told that I don't seem like the gifty type at all.

    I like chasing rabbits. :3
    Oh, gifties' just a nickname for people in the gifted program. Basically, we learn differently from others - not necessarily smarter, though most of us are above average. And we just have a different mindset in general.

    Aaaaand the rabbit didn't run away, or anything? o.o Weird rabbit.
    Well, true.

    But hey, it's hax! And gifties - at least, the ones I have experience with - typically don't give a damn about stuff. We always lose in 'spirit' related stuff.

    ...what? Snake chasing a rabbit? While staying in its hole? How does that work?
    It's September xDDD Augest is the 8th month; September is the 9th. November, on the other hand, is the 11th!

    One of my friends said he'd give it a device that turns the bike into a car.

    ... :'D Oh, what I wouldn't give to have a pet snake. I stare at them all the time in pet stores.
    Pfffff- OTL I don't even know how to ride a bike. There was this one time the class got asked a question that was something along the lines of, "Pretend that cars never existed, and your bike was your only form of transportation. If you could add any one addition to the bike, what would it be?" And I answered, "Training wheels."

    Me too D: But my entire family has a phobia of snakes, save for me.
    Oh, I stay at home all day. That time I saw the snake, I went out of the city to go fishing.
    I used to go to parks, but that was only to go on the swings.
    Oh, I see. Since I live in the big city, I've seen a snake all of once, and even then it was eating a frog.
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