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  • What they should do is pick different starters and trade them so they can own their rival. I only still have platinum to get Sinnoh pokemon.
    That music that plays after you beat a Gym leader is so gratifying, isn't it?
    I'm currently trying to beat Cyrus, and then catch Giratina. I beat him twice, but forgot to save both times. Epic music, but he's so frustratingly difficult to beat. His Honchkrow has Heat Wave, for god's sake.
    She was annoying. I had to lterally spend two hours at the game corner to get Ice Beam, so it would be a bit easier. I Think Lickilicky can learn Ice Beam, but I'm not sure.
    The only thing I could think of that you could do would be to find out how to get into your router's ettings. Then you could change the security to WEP, and get a key. Sorry If I couldn't help out much. This site offers some help, too.
    Oh. Do you know how to change the settings for your router on your computer (there should be some sort of program that lets you change your settings.)
    Well, then you've seen about 10 of the ones I normally use. As a side note, I have multiples of some -pokemon with different movesets. So, for example, I could be really annoying and use a team of Dragonites and Flygons. But I won't, because I like a challenge.

    So did you want to battle, or just talk about teams? I'm fine with either.
    It's fine. What I like to do is just pick six pokemon from a list of about 18, and use a different team each time. you now know seven. I don't have very many teams that work together, with the exception of a team with about 4 legendaries. so, I just randomize each time.
    I'm getting this great mental image of a normal band class, and then suddenly you come in out of nowhere hanging from a hang glider screeching "AIYAIYAIYAIYAIYAIYAIYAIYAIYAIY" and just flying past the band teacher and kicking him in the face, knocking him unconscious, and then dropping down, looking around for me, then running over and holding out your phone in a very superhero manner, taking a picture of my crush, then tossing the phone on my lap and running out the door.
    Usually, a Dragonite/Flygon, a Leafeon, a Lucario, an Empoleon, a Gallade, and a Crobat.

    I also have a few Steel, Grass and Dragon mono-types.
    Well, It's a team I trained after beating the game, and I occasionally use it for Wi-Fi/Wireless battling. I tend to use a different team, because though the one in my banner is great with attack, it has Horrible Def/Sp. Def.
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