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  • By the way, what media do you use? I use pencil and colored pencil. My friend preferrs charcoal, but when I use that it gets all over my hands and paper. And it smudges.
    It's not mathy! I have this scale (here is how I calculate damage):

    Find the base power-take off a zero at the end-double power if opponent is weak to attack-put on an additional bonus amount depending on evolutionary status of user!

    :D and a few other conditionals, but!

    now we just need someone to take it

    If you didn't know, I've applied to be a referee :D I hope I make it!

    I have reasons for wanting to be a referee, y'know.
    I'm not that good at it either.

    I'll post it on the challenge board in the next couple hours.

    You're in ASB, right?



    And I have an arena for it, unless you want to make one.
    Well, the only computer I can upload things to got a virus and now I can't go online, so no updates until it all gets fixed.


    Hi! I have a name suggestion~ I think just Jirachi would work, if it isn't taken.

    How've you been?
    *my friends are flipping through my sketchbook and find an awful drawing of some person saying "talk to the hand"*
    Friend: Aw, this one's adorable!
    Me: Uh...thanks?
    Me: *shows drawing of a fat bunny that I think is adorable*
    Friend: It looks deformed.
    Me: *sadface*
    Me: *shows a silly picture of me sleeping*
    Friend: *raises eyebrow*

    I don't know why I bother showing anyone anymore
    Well, it's in the thread. I think it looks sub-par, but I just couldn't do any better. I ended up also screwing up Oz's Maplestory-Proportions. Her face is all skinny. If you'd like, I could try redoing the whole thing, though I doubt it'd be much better the second time around.

    I'd have had it done earlier, believe me, but I hit my knee funny and my head was pounding so hard I could barely remember what day it was. ALRIGHT, I'm done with excuses.
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