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Kai Lucifer
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  • Oh sh-! Didn't notice that, Kai's Orca. Heh, and why dijou give me a reason for the title??? I thought randomness was here to stay, but apparently things have to make sense, so I'll try my luck elsewhere... :(

    P.S. Why're you holding a gun?

    i will see you there although maybe not cause uh Jersey.Although you'll se and hear a Typh in the psa video so (or maybe sooner; teacher let me borrow these microphone/headphones set cause I've got to make a comerial with Office PowerPoint. I /may/ be able to use it for TCoD-listen-to-typh's-old-lady-announcer-voice-when-caught on-recording purposes)
    C: Cute~ You crazy kids be good to each other, ya hear~?

    ...well damn, I've never been trusted like that before o: That's good to know!

    x3 Ironically enough I have a subconcious desire to always use the Pokemon Center when my DS is on red. It didn't fix it :c

    Nope, her signature (read: worn most often) plaid brown fedora. It totally is a sexay hat stop laughing >|
    Kissed? Awwwww C: Cheeck kiss or the liplocking kind? ...haah no you don't have to tell me x3 I find that very cute though.

    *zzzzzzzzz* b'whut nao? It's charging, to my knowledge. I have allof Spring Break to do that, plus I have work to do.

    also ahaha I have to act for an Anti-Drug thing. Act. As in...act.

    D8! Although it will be on the interwebs and you will see Typh and her sex-ay hat but ACT aaaaaa
    level 33? fffffff-

    I have been slacking off terrible D: lv 27 and I have to train for Pryce. Of course then again, family came over. They took it and played with it and damnit I want my SoulSilver back ya pests >|
    Hey Kai, I noticed you're using Kyogre-based avies, and have even more random user titles than mine. Sorry for pointing out the obvious, but hey, that's me. You are starting to intrigue me...
    Ah, 'kay. Then again, layers and brushes are basically the only things I use :P I'm too traditional.

    :0 Where did you find it? I am envious of your avatar!

    ... xD Out of curiosity, which program did you use to resize the picture? Face seemed to get scrunched in the resizing, but I don't mind~ Glad you like it!
    Damn. You catch up fast. You''ll be ahead, since I'm heading back to find the uard that gives you Kenya the Spearow. I'm McNabbing it. I'll also ctach a Normal-type at one point or another, and...then something else :|
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