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Kai Lucifer
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  • Aww, was? ...I recall you telling me before but my memory is being a derp so can you remind me what you are now?

    I usually have Kyogre on my team as well, but this run I'm refraining from using legendaries. And I could've sworn that you could find Meditite earlier in the game... But Mt. Pyre is the earliest you can find it, eh?

    Oh, I've barely worked on my Emerald file. March break was all DRAW AND TYPE and now that school's started, my mom's hidden the DS somewhere. My Snorunt is now... level 34 or 35. 5 or so more levels.
    I rather like being a species C:

    Typhs would have the opposite areas: rural = oh coool I can stretch here and it doesn't smell like gas.

    fangasm i mean
    Vaugely. Also TCoD Sniper should totes be your caharcte-*shot*

    Ponds are nice o: Typhs are native to city though, so...yeah

    also soulsilver oh god oh god i think i came.
    :D I made a stoic Kai laugh? Oooh~

    Ahh, dude, I don't tihkn she minds much~ Get to know her beforehand; if you and the lass are connected, once first date rolls around it'll roll easily. See what she like about you and in general, and try and show her the same subtly.

    ...okay this is coming from someone that will probably never be in a relationship (or get laid) but yeah. D:
    LOOK WHOSE BALLS JUST DROPPED starts it off but it gets better.

    It's basically a giant ass crossover and it will likely fail (there's no actual fighting until later, and everything's more for the creator's amusement...If I can convince Blazhy to co-op it, we could be all siamese and creepy and then the characters are gonna hafta figure out how the hell to get outta there.) but yeeah. Completely understandible
    Nya! The forum is working for me now! >w<;;

    Hehe, my artist reference is Hiroyuki Takei~ He's the Manga-ka who made Shaman King and he's currently working with Stan Lee to make a manga called Karikuridoji Ultimo, which is my favourite manga right now :3 My main inspiration has been the ghosts, japanese folklore and kimono patterns Takei sensei uses >w<
    My art teacher was impressed with mine, too O_O He really liked the photoshop job it did x3 It's great that your art teacher likes your work, too~ It's really hard trying to impress those guys sometimes @_@;;

    Yep, last sunday^^ It was really fun~ oui! check the dates and go nya! >w< You'll love it. I played a bit of HeartGold and it's amazing! Nya, we didn't get the figurines because we didn't buy anything ><; I'm getting the game as soon as it comes out, though :3

    I'm getting Totodile!<33 Matt is getting Cyndaquil and my sis is getting Chikorita! What starter pokemon are you going to get? :3

    Some kid from class lent me a copy of Volume 4 for Bleach. I don't read it, but I can't get my hands on a lotta manga that isn't on the internet :c
    Oh, I just get the Pokemon that I like and are available relatively early on. I was trying out a new lineup this game, actually. Usually I go Swellow, Sceptile, Flygon, Aggron, Pelliper (not that I like Pelliper, but it was the earliest water-type I could get), and Breloom, in no particular order.

    Oh, no, not yet. I recently caught a Snorunt and I'm training her up before fighting Tate and Lisa. I should be able to take them on - at least, I think so. Last run I had Sceptile Leaf-Blading everything into oblivion, but this time around my Pokemon are higher levelled.
    I thought so too. when i can get off my ass (read: summer) ans hsarpen my skills and oh yeah make a livejournal, i'll add that in the notes.

    hurr hurr typh is such a dork and i wouldn't have it any toher way
    I'll do it eventually, once I have time. I've actually done it before, and I plan to do a fan-manga for something one day. It'll be interesting to look at the actors (it's a live-action tv show so) and try and adapt that to manga. If I ever get around to it, it would be very awesome C:

    Cubis? Elabota earthling. Although Happy!kai is always good kai.
    Ironically enough, Typh isn't too bad at that kinda style. S'like a mix of Hiromu Arakawa and Kotaro Mori (in other words, the general style of FullMetalAlchemist, but the expressions of Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann with a little Lucky Star thrown in) sorta. If I ~really tried~ i could pull off anime!Kai.
    Yeah, that's true. I managed to nab a bold Feebas off my friend, but it's stuck in my Platinum.

    Oh, I tend to stick to Pokemon that can be found earlier in the game, but due to lack of fire and ice... *shrug* I had to make do. It just feels weird to catch an entirely new Pokemon when you're nearly at the end of the game, and training it up. I'm not sure why. Currently I'm at Mossdeep.
    Err... From strongest to lowest-leveled: Gardevoir, Altaria, (soon to be) Glalie, Manectric, Crawdaunt, and Ninetales. I really want to get a Milotic but given Feebas's rarity... yeah.
    I've always preferred Mega Drain to Giga Drain, in generation 3, at least. Since Giga Drain has only what, 5 PP. I'm planning to give Earthquake to my Altaria, though.

    Except that it seems a bit too big, neh? :P
    It's spelt Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation. Too many s's *shot*

    Nah, actually getting to medical stuff: it's an emergency medical procedure whose main purpose is getting oxygenated blood to the brain and heart, and it's unlikely to restart the heart, which a lot of people don't get.

    And it's mostly known as CPR c'mon Kai this is child's play. Give me a challenge.

    Emotions? No, you're confusing me with someone rational. Maybe I am, but I still gotta find a way to stop panicking every time emergencies involving family come up.

    And my medical knowledge has nothing to do with that? ;D Typh has two dictionaries on hand; one for casual reading (it's better than it sounds, seriously..! I have an appeciation for words and can get quite sesquipedalian when I want.) and a medical one. I leaf through both frequently.

    ...okay you know what? That is the cutest thing and it actually made me smile c: I've read it in your sig and all, but. <3
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