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Kai Lucifer
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  • I'll remind you then. like in twenty years you'll got a message syaing 'O HAY D'YOU REMEBER ME I ARE TYPH' and you'll be all 'what the--get the elf outta my inbox.'
    I'm doing this all when I'm an adult and if the operation goes great. i have two lists, actually. One to do before the op, not so much because of the whole 'may die' thing, but typh is fourteen and instead of being all 'lol i wanna phone to talk with my friends' she's an slight otaku who stays cooped up during school listening to music. (by the by i am getting my hands on as much dax johnson recordings/ musicstuffs as possible) because well she has no friends to speak of. the list is for summer when i have time. one's for after the op, sicne by then i'll probably be an adult and can live a pretty decent life. there's a big sifference in lists, the summer one has more mainsteam stuff like visit the park a lot and actually laern how to ride a bike. the afterop list has sky diving at its first thing. it gets stranger/better from there.

    (oh god why are these repies so long what is wrong with tyyph)
    Nono, pistol- whipping. That's taking the butt of the gun (kai don't you dare giggle) and smashing it into someone's skull. Typh is planning to learn how to shoot a pistol. Not to hold up a bank or anything, it's just that I know the mechanics on how sniper rifles work and stuff via the Discovery Channel and I'm aware that pistols have pretty large recoil compared to size, so trying one out myself. If I think I can handle it, I'll even apply for a lisence, more for self-defense and last resort than anything. I are responsible idiot, Kai o:

    Ahhh misunderstanding.
    Ah, I see. Mike and I created >:J (a smirking smilie), but that's about it. There aren't many smilies that have yet to be discovered.

    And aaa D: Sorry for being slow! But you know, homework and ASB and aaa.
    I'm reeeeeeally looking forward to it, too~

    Although I have to do a whole massive ton of suff before then, and MCM being near means I have to do it all before then. Bleh x.x

    How's life with you?
    Oh, I see! That's clever. Before I couldn't tell what character was supposed to represent the eyes: the X or the 8.
    Naw, it's no problem :3 I'll correct the hat when I'm done my homework and those ASB reffings that are floating around. I might be able to get it done today, but chances are it'll have to wait 'til tomorrow.
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