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Kai Lucifer
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  • GCSE...? Dunno what that is. But it sounds... important.

    Ahhh, I see xD; The gun doesn't actually have bullets. There's a complicated explanation of how it works, but basically, the gun evokes your Persona during the 25th hour of the day, etc. So no, you're not going to die.

    Well, then, do you have a ref of Kai!Ogre? :0
    I've been fine. :D And you?

    Ah, I had based the art trade off of Persona 3, you know, where one shoots themselves in the head to summon their Persona? And I was thinking of having Kai!Absol rising up behind you and stuff. I could use that Fakemon FMC designed for you as an alternative, or do you have any specific requests...?
    It Got Worse when I tried Uxie. Both times I turned off the game in what I like to call a 'hurdadeeldurr' stupor. Let's hope it hasn't happened to you yet.
    I have a dog. She's cute and reddish and has white splotches on her chest and feet and I loves her and the word "and".

    Roadtrip isn't really anything. Just a fun diversion in which a bunch of characters, original or borrowed, get hurt, talk about life, and generally do whatever the people who are writing for them feel like making them do. A lot of it is just a violent vent because all of us in Roadtrip enjoy blood, but there are some good moments. Not to mention the various jokes scattered about.
    It's been on hiatus for a while and has been stuck in a long-winded-writing-sentences –sorta-RP-but-not-really format. I'm going to talk to Typh and Voli about retrieving the original lax and chat based format that let in more fun and less seriousness. Typh, Voli, and me generally don't let in new people because 1. There’s a good chance that they'll leave eventually, cluttering up our clutter and 2. There's so much that they've missed and 3. It’s a bit hard to just “drop in” if something is going on already. I think we'll make an exception for you though. That is, if you're up to sifting through hundreds of pages of mindless text, which I doubt you are, but it's not mandatory. Just make sure you read through the character sheet.
    Kay then.

    Courtesy link to the hip hop, it's apprently Linkin Park.
    Link to Crystallized Silver / Withered Leaf because it's pretty.

    I forget the exact details but I know the ending to the manga. Have you gotten that far? If not, I won't post it cause spoilers. I'm trying to read all of FullMetalAlchemist. Blame FMC >| And the final pages of the most recent chapter of that? Ohhhh shiiiiii-- D8
    Ohhhh. Well I saw that a while ago, really... D: I actually liked the gory parts in the start and all, butlater it was a bit more subtle and shit and that scared me more than I thought.

    Okay holy crap. Touhou music on piano. done really well. Currently on The Centennial Festival for Magical Girls, which I always liked the sound of. This takes nothing away.

    Also apperently Hip-Hop + Touhou = what the hell sell this man it's awesome
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