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Kai Lucifer
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  • Wow, I didn't expect you to have it IRL. Anyway uh... Do you happen to have a front view of it? Because I suck royally at hats and at the moment it looks just about the same to me :'D
    Well, wait no longer! If there's anything you'd like me to add, just say so :3 Though unfortunately I can't do much with Kai!Ogre - I accidentally merged the lineart with the colouring without noticing. OTL

    We don't quite have exhibitions either, except at the front foyer.
    Haha, someone seems anxious! xD I think, when I have time later, I'll colour this in for real. The lineart's just too good to pass up.

    Your art certainly seems more art-oriented than mine. I wish we had galleries. :(
    I... think I made you look older than you were supposed to. Hope you don't mind.

    Also, how's that GCSE going?
    Well, no matter how much I try, I can't get Kai!Ogre's tail fins to come out properly, though Kai blocks most of it so hopefully it doesn't mar the picture too much. I'm slapping on the colour right now~
    Wtf I swear I replied to this.

    Anyway, if all goes well, I'll be able to finish it today. It's about 5pm here for me, so... Say, 2 hours at most, if I stay focused.
    Well, I had planned to have front-view Kai!Sol with his head slightly down and glaring at the viewer with shadowed eyes, and I figured I could do that with Kai!Ogre. Which I couldn't. Though I've got another pose, now. You'll see it soon ;D
    Oh, that's quite different from what we have here. We choose what we take every year. We do have compulsary courses as well, though.

    The Japanese language is weird like that, I guess. Also front-view Kyogre = impossible to draw.
    ...You guys have an exam for art? o.o Well, good luck at any rate~ I'm sure you'll make it through fine :3

    Oh, so it's just a regular Kyogre? I gathered the Kai-Orca part (sort of), but I thought it'd have some sort of discerning feature. But that's clever x3 Though I always thought 'umi' was Japanese for sea/ocean?
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