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Kai Lucifer
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  • Maybe. Maybe Not.

    We can't be sure till the tests come back. And I still feel kinda sick. Hews walking, sure and talking, and we have his blood pressure under control, and he's only a little dizzy, and I of all people should know that it's not a big deal, that even though he'll be there every week for pretty much the rest of his life for a hour, which is better than it sounds, if he pulls through and takes care of himself and that diabetes and stuff he'll be mostly okay...

    Then why is it that when shit happens to me, I could care less, but when it happens to people I actually like, I worry?
    Cradily are meant to be wallish, in the 3rd gen, anyway. No Swords Dance, but it gets Barrier and Amnesia, iirc?

    Phalanx are basically the bones in fingers and toes, and fingers/toes seemed similar to tentacles, so yeah. Pretty lame, but it's grown on me.

    Yes, I suck at hats. OTL I think I liked the previous one better, but... *shrug*
    CRADILY YES *highfives* I always have a male one named Phalanx, and if it's female... Well, I'm not sure yet. But Cradily pwns ass in ASB. Serious ass.
    I name my Seviper Nithhoggr, but that's the mythology freak in me speaking, and my Marowak always has to be female and named Loa. I just love Suicune because it looks so graceful.

    And I'm done the hat, but... ;-; My God it looks horrible (in my opinion at least). I... just don't ask me to draw hats again. OTL At least not until I've had plenty of time to practice.

    Ahaha I'm sorry I have the memory span of a goldfish. OTL

    Uhh... Typhlosion. If you need others, then... Suicune, Cradily, Marowak, and Seviper. I have a lot more but for the sake of shortness...!
    I'm in the middle of playing it. =] I'm up to the last chapter. Wess is a pretty funny character, but I do like Duster better for some reason.
    Well it's Nan's cooking, what do you expect? he has been doing this for over seventy years after all~ (she's 84, so. Since around my age. House of seven, you learn to cook early. Typh knows a bit on cooking too; but really only enought to make a decent pancake or fry some eggs without killing people)
    oic. Cause it's march and all so

    zombies can be cute! D:

    brown cause it's fried. nan breads it very nicely. although the inside is kinda whitish-grey.
    As in your aktual mommy or is this just a clever metaphor? Tell her I said hi! o:

    I can see why. eet zombieplant~

    mmmm, fried fishy. With tea. The fishy is probably not cod. Probably. I think it's salmon.
    The best part was this little kid, running around shouting something about shiny Absol. He couldn't have been more than nine, but I think he was chaining. And the kid actually ran around asking if anyone could help him catch it, please, I'll even let ya name it. It was...oddly adorible. I stpeed up and there is now a shiny Absol out there with the nickname ''Kaiface.'' Hey, it was only fair, you reminded me bout the event~

    I smell win. And dinner, so wait here.
    Elf is a pretty good curse substitute. I look forward to using "Get the elf out of my house." one day.

    And if the roles were reversed? I hope I don't actaully, yknow, forget you ever, but I'd prolly smack you upside the head a bit.
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