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Kai Lucifer
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  • Well, not really a Pokemon, but if I had to say, I'd say a messed up black Salamence with birdy wings. :3

    Um. Yeah.
    Y' didn't know?


    and last day of school :DDDDDD
    i won candy and am now coughing like a maniac. happens every time.
    i don't know
    it's the end of school and they bitch at me
    give us 44 pages of math
    ands i still have to do it, even though we don't need to turn it in.

    and i found out what sort of shit brawl did to lucas.
    hello mister kai.

    i'm trying to join deviantart. mainly because i got his paint tool sai program. and am currently trying ditigal drawing suff with that bamboo wacom tablet i got

    :D so how're you?
    i was on this morning
    but then the server went boom on me
    and i had to leave
    also you were on but i think you didnt notice

    three males, two females. big litter @w@

    lassiter(if you pick him up, HE EATS YOU D8), hugh, stephen, cuddles(..notory's idea i swear :<) and aster.

    I have to ie them back once I go back to school. fruitpool's gonna miss her kittens D:
    i haen't had this in yeaars *goes all bigeyed*

    but yeah, good stuff. nice to know that my normally assholish cousin didn't decide to torture the litter of kittens my cat had a month ago or so.

    ...yeah i get to keep theeem for a while 8D
    it's a drink. this really sweet and tangy purple drink made out of purple corn. peruvian, actually.

    and it's okay. it hasn't been opened, the real porblem's when it's been opened with this kind of stuff.

    also there's this ice cream made out of ths fruit thing

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