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Kai Lucifer
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  • fffff admireable ^^; Thanks for that. I hope so too.

    ah, spelunking in the underground. I have quite a bit and found a thunderstone or two. but I have to charge it again though. mainly because I can't solve Sunyshore Gym's puzzle even though my Pokemon are five levels higher then almost all of them and I'm currently training this Gliscor of mine so!

    sometimes, though I rarely play Platinum, and when I do it's to fail!EV train my Pokemon.
    I do, if I remember, though.
    Could be worse, you know? I can still draw, and that's what mostly interests me.
    Which is why I'm veeery exited for something. See, I signed up for an art program, basiclly every Tueday(Wednsday now in seventh, if I'm not mistaken) a good 35 minutes is just..drawing. We tlak about teniques, and things, and occasionally get to do fun stuff like murals. I ot to do the sketch work :3 And if you're lucky, you even get this scohhlarship for this art school specializing in the arts in total. :D

    Sometimes it makes me feel better knowing I have a chance at going there and that these idiots don't mostly.
    it isn't too bad. I'm in the moderate stages, it's quite apprent in the sense that my hands seem quite unstable and random spasms mke me hit some random keyborad buttons and whatnot, but at least it's not as severe as say oh a tic/second. At that point you can't...really do anything. I take medication, but we're not quite sure what that'll do to my liver, which is the main concern. Anyway, I don't find it that boig of a deal, but some idiots at school think I'm some psycho >:| Morons.

    Aaaaa that's horrible D: I still have roughty a month/three weeks before school starts. Gotta get a proj3ct done but still.
    Gonna keep with the Nessarose, eh? Well, it's a welcome break form all the Typh's x3

    Ahhh. I do have a tablet, but something hapened to the side that draws when I recieved it, so I can only draw on paint. with the eraser side. And that never really..works out yeah D:

    I really do njoy art though. Most people don't expect someone with torrette's to be able to draw, but hey. I'm apprently kind of good at it. Just need practice though :3
    Yes do it

    Smogon says they're both UU, if competitive battling is something you care 'bout, aaaand Nidoqueen's Defense is higher than Nidoking's, though Nidoking has a higher attack.
    and shit i have to wait til my uncle comes back
    i need permission, according to msn
    scanner is busted
    it hasn't failed me for about..3 months and now it goes boom on me.
    because i suck at drawing things on the computer. i don't have a tablet, y'know.
    Um, Nidoking? There's fire Punch, some good few Poison moves, and possibly a Dark move or two.

    Not sure about defense, but it looks bulky.
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