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Karkat Vantas
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  • Um not really. I just post a lot everywhere. The Pal Park is like a rapefest of posts and I RP so that's constant posting too. And I'm on like 24/7
    Fine by me.

    And thanks for telling me what you're using again.
    Yeah he does. Ron's awesome too with that "cute determination"-thing going on. :D
    EBA is cool too, right? Gotta love dem agents.
    so, try not to mind all the blurs, the one in the right is pretending to be a rock and the one in the left isn't, that black thing on the left one is supposed to be a mouth, that black thing next to the right one is a blur so yeah it doesn't mean anything

    and here it is
    I never did get it out of there.

    And that sketch is taking a while, but that's because the place where I drew it went missing. I found it now, so, I'll upload it.
    Yeah true. But Electivire is still cool. It has like living wires on it. :D Dyno pig?
    Uh pwned Ash? But Ash is getting pwned more and more every episode so that doesn't really matter.
    I'm still counting the spoils of that match, but yeah, I knew that, even if Kong didn't beat Kergen, he'd still evolve.

    Not that I don't have enough Fighting-types, but, I suppose he is ideal for Metronome matches -- seeing as the other two Metronome using Pokémon have certain flaws. So yeah, he is a great gift.
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