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    Then if we talk when you're at your grandparents' house then I'll baa for you! XD I love you so much <3
    I was going to baa on the phone last night, but I felt like it was out of place XD
    Sure, because I'll win the bet!! XD
    Ohh! I see. I hate writing papers; I mean, I'm pretty sure the teachers know I can do it, so it's kind of a giant waste of time? I suppose it's interesting to learn a bit about a subject, though. Sort of.

    Oh, yeah. Getting something obvious that you overlooked pointed out kind of sucks. Tell me what conclusion you come to when it's finished, though!
    You picked your topic and haven't researched yet? For shame.

    Do you have any hunches? I mean, I can think of at least one culture that I think is anti-intellectual, to say the least...
    Heh! I was wondering why you hadn't responded to that one VM; you posted on your own profile.

    What was this research paper about, then?
    Hey, I don't talk to Nisreen very often any more since she doesn't come onto the forums... I don't know if she told you about all that happened, but long story short, I can't talk to her outside of TCoDf. At all. So could you tell her that I miss her a lot and that I'm sorry that all this happened? And that if I think of another way to talk to her, I'll tell her right away?
    I am so sorry. I'm considering leaving these forums, I can't handle this. I'm so very sorry. I can't even pretend to know what it's like, but now I know what it's like to lose the most important person in your life. I'm pretty sure we both do.

    If you need to talk to someone about it, I'm here. I just can't believe this...
    EDIT: Hold that thought, actually...
    Well, I don't use discs. I use Origin, so all of my EA games are completely digital. So I'd assume it would just let you use them all without hassle or anything.
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