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  • The old animated Disney film was what I watched. I watched it again just last night, too~

    Today's my brother's birthday now that it striked midnight~Its Christmas Eve now ^_^ And he just turned 21. ^_^

    He's gonna be getting a lot of video games too.


    ...One of them being Pokemon Black 2 83
    I'm smirking about the whole end of the world thing now. XD What a hox.

    I might eat soon. Also dunno if I feel well enouth to answer all my VMs atcm.

    I watched Alice in Wonderland around 4:00AM this morning XD It was cute.

    I'm happy for you about your finals^^
    Oh alright :3 *nod nod* Are you having a good holiday so far?^^

    I might make a picture of Watson dressed as Santa Claus on fanpop sometime XD
    Apperently, the axiety I felt earlier was over tomarrow being 'doomsdate'....(12/21/12)

    I'm gonna stop thinking about that now. I'm glad I got my meds for the feelings i had..
    ...Sorry for the drama earlier i recall posting something stupid to you or someone else earlier...i don't really remember, though.....

    But, anyways, yeah...I read something on tumblr that bothered me and went a bit crazy.

    You don't have to be my friend, though. But, yeah, I really need to avoid tumblr....I take some things just so the wrong way >_<; of course, i met some pretty nasty people a few years ago who were kind of mean to me, too...though i'm not in contact with any of them anymore.

    Have a nice holiday now..
    Meh not too well. I left because I found a good forum, but I got kicked out in my prime. Also two of my closest friends committed suicide lately, so you can see why I am depressed.
    Hello again.

    Nobody has given you a VM since I have been gone. Wow. :D (Its me CJ, btw)
    I saw in a thread that you are an akward guy with a foot fetish.

    Nice to know I'm not the only one.
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