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    Depends on how MF refs Vesper using Hypnosis, since she doesn't have eyes (facepalm). If it doesn't work, I've wasted two actions.
    Pretty well! My classes are nice and not too stressful, though some of my teachers are boring. Everyone I know dislikes one teacher in particular, but she has a reputation for disciplining people for really dumb things (including, in one memorable instance, picking up a dropped pencil) so we're all too afraid to speak up? like, I've considered telling her "hey your class is kind of boring, have you considered using a powerpoint or something to make it more than just lecture" but I always chicken out. u_u
    It has, hasn't it? To be honest, nothing interesting. School is school, and I'm pretty busy on weekdays now. You?
    Someone actually made borked sprites for them once. I wonder if you might still find those in my old profile.
    Yeah, I'll be finishing my degree in May. I just have to work out what I'm doing after that.

    It's interesting how even though it isn't a word it's obvious you should spell it with two Ds because that's how English works.
    Yeah I've finished my exams now, but I still have to worry about what I'm going to do once I graduate etc. It's not fun.

    What happened to your laptop? Are you tcodding on your phone or something?
    I haven't done much recently. For the past two months or so I've been focusing on exams and such. How much do you draw?
    Hey, we haven't spoke in a while!

    What kind of stuff are you up to these days? Are you still working on a website?
    (shhhh it's fine i totes understand)

    I had dinner with him and my other friends last night and it does seem like he's making an effort. That being said I'm DEFINITELY still biding my time.
    yeah! like he messaged my friends (and not me, because he wants to ~talk to me in person~) and suddenly they started pushing me to talk to him and my roommate actually brought him to my dorm to try to get me to talk to him (which i'm still mildly upset about, because i understand she tries to mediate but why)

    from what i understand he told them that he wants to change and "needs their help" to do so but something about that seems kinda...off. like if you want to change that's your own prerogative, not ours.

    (and the crying bit is super sketchy for me because when my sis chewed him out a few years back he talked about he was crying and ~the tears were streaming down his face~ and when i forgave him he went right back to the same old shit as if my sister listening to him whine for an hour meant nothing)
    hooooo boy did you see the stuff i posted on my tumblr?

    long story short friend is being a dick and is apparently crying over how he fears losing me and as much as i hate to say it it sounds like he's being super manipulative
    "I think it bothers me the most because it's totally avoidable, people just do it because they're careless and rude. :u"

    okay but this one like

    ethnocentrism ho!
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