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  • Ah, I see. For me it's like a ton of annoying noises just drives me crazy lol. I can;t even enter a resturant because FUCKING METAL ON PLATES D:<
    Okay, thanks XD

    My day was alright, a little bit too loud for my taste, but it was okay :P How was yours?
    to be fair i do that to another friend of mine regularly, it's pretty deserved

    ohhhhh hahaha

    ehhhh, some people there's just no winning with
    well they're jerks about it in the "nonstop teasing" way, though one has threatened to tell the guy on more than one occasion

    good grades are good! why would your mom hate you though?
    my suitemate has now become less oblivious to my love life and my friends are all jerks about it so you know, the usual

    how about you?
    Oh no.
    ...what were they doing at your house then? are they neighbors?

    I don't remember his face right now, so I'm imagining Jerry.
    GIRLS? are they family or nonrelated

    Yeah, we usually see that. Did you see the proposal? The hostess latched on to that guy while he and his fiancee were kissing...
    Well I'm sorry you've only seen the shitty ones XD

    If I had a partner and she reallllyyy wanted one, I'd probably adopt then lol

    I'd imagine XD I still remember comming out to my mother, and I was a nervous wreck XD
    But they can be so nice XD And that's uhh alittle much XD

    I hope so, even though I don't intend on having kids aside from maaaaybe adopting one.

    Oh, that;s nice :D It can be really nerve wracking explaining it to someone lol
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