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  • Ha, that's so awful XD I love kids, especially small ones :P

    I have a large family too, just not a large extended family. I have four brothers and a sister :P
    THat's pretty awesome lol.

    Not really. I don't have anyone outside my family other than my mother and stepfather
    It did! I think I already talked about it on the finals thread, but my English final was very entertaining. I don't want to get into details, because eww school, but it was fun.
    I'm not really feeling Turquoise right now, since I'm not home for most of the day, and I really want to catch up on sleep (have wasted it on a wide variety of series thus far).
    This is the last one, right? It's quite sad. These people work amazingly together, and I'm pretty sure this was the breakout role for at least three of them.

    By the way, check out Nick's thoughts on the series's ending.
    oh my god
    you were Craig at some point in your life? Amazing.

    I just got all caught up with parks last night. The ending was... pretty interesting.
    You'd be surprised at how someone can make something work so well just because they're too stubborn to try the alternative.

    Yeah, urban community. There are buses everywhere, like seriously.
    I think Dar's younger than you, actually. I just found out he's younger than me, so...!

    Nope, not even going to try. Not my thing, ha ha!
    Eh, I've met some twelve year olds on hear, matey. You're definitely not the youngest. And thank you! Nah, driving scares the living daylights out of me; I don't know how people can do that!
    I actually don't. ^^;
    It's weird. Someone who sees how nerdy I am would probably have an aneurysm when they know I haven't seen or heard of Harry Potter. It's on my list, though.
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