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    It sounds awesome. I'm guessing it's not Catholic; they don't have the penchant for such awesome naming.

    I finished Paper Towns last night. I highly recommend it.
    Wow, thats a bad system. I don't like it. Your 92 is an A.

    It does. I don't see why that system doesn't apply to you since you're an offshoot of the public school ststem. Or is that friend of yours in private school?
    Well, my face won't do you much good. My school divides semesters (August-December and January-May) into two periods. There are five finals, and if you manage to get an A in both periods for the respective class you miss that final. I bombed an English test in the first period, and ended up with a B. This is the first final I've taken since they implemented this system, which was when I was in sixth grade I believe. Sadly, this is the last year I'll be able to pull this off, since I'm planning to take the two available AP classes next year and AP finals are compulsory.
    Fair enough :P

    And I can sort of swim a little fast? Just not that much lol. And jumproping is still awesome, just be sure to stretch before doing it or else you'll never want to walk again XD
    What's wrong? XD

    I loooooove swimming, even if I can't swim like at all lol, and a jumprope is one of the best things to do to excersize. I think an hour burns more that three hours of running can lol
    Hmm, I suppose so, but I could have been less of an idiot :p and yeah, I also thought it would make me look better to.

    Ah, I see. Yeah, that would do it XD
    Well to me it was like my body was just getting more and more corrupted as it went on, so to my stupid kid brain it seemed like if I stopped giving it fuel it would stop
    Well, twelve was when you-know-what happened, and add on top of that, it was my way of trying to stop a puberty I didn't want :p I mean, it kind of worked; I do have a feminine figure lol.
    Once you're done, consult any doubts you have with me! Once I leave my English final tomorrow at 1030, I'm completely free.

    I did the Title test, and got Heir of Mind. That fits me so perfectly; there has to be some kind of wizardry behind it.
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