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  • I don't think? I mean there's been a massive migration to the US. Doubt they'd be pissed off; they'd probably be more sad than anything.

    Of course you can! Just send me a PM or whatever.
    Thanks! I dunno how many times I've heard that I'm now old :P

    Even got called a grandpa earlier xD
    Npot for suicide or anything XD My heart has been acting up a lot lol, so I was just staying there for a bit to make sure I'm not gonna get a third heart attack lol
    Things are different here. Extended family is much closer than in the US. It's weird. It does of course help that my dad's family lives so close... And now my mom's two brothers live in Miami, so everyone's super close.

    I am almost liberated from this prison~ Only two more days, one of which is English final day.
    Hmm, I guess that's good :)

    Thanks for the mental image lol. And just watch me self-deprecate :p
    YEah :P

    Still, your issues are issues lol. Don't underplay them just in comparison :p

    I'm still not awesome, but thanks :P
    yeah, if you do it during the plot it's kind of like this:
    "Hurry, Player, or the Legendary will destroy us all!"
    "Shh I'm making a maze out of Meowth hold on to that thought"
    that is pure art, m'boy. All you have to do is buy all of the dolls (and some warp panels) and build a maze with them.
    I get sick a bit more than you

    Social situations drain me too, and I don't eat alot either lol. I swear my heart just wants to kill me lol
    Right. Thanks for the help! A friend of mine had mentioned some kind of art place they go to; I guess I'll talk to her about that later.

    Is there any way you can get on ORAS soon? I want to have everyone's secret bases to get to Gold Rank quicker.
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