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  • It was a shame, but I suppose it never was as active as the one on here. I thought that would happen... but yeah, I haven't seen her in AGES. She did make some awesome ones.
    At this moment, it's really the only anime I'm watching. I've heard Higurashi was good from Glace, but it's not on Youtube so I haven't tried it. That doesn't make it any less good, though!

    (Get that song out of my braaaiiin.)
    Also, I love the opening.


    It is pretty excellent! Probably my favourite video game series of them all. Although the first one is NOTHING like the ones later on. The ones later on have these... epic sweeping stories.
    Hey, if I'm a Glaceon that knows Spacial Rend, I can be a Glaceon that knows Transform as well.
    No? I think more of a big-headed Oshawott.

    Okay, so I watched the first episode.

    ... I have no idea what to think of this.

    I'm going to go watch another one! xD
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