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  • Look down. Back up. Where are you? You're on a site whith the profile picture your profile could smell like. And what's in your hand? Two links to that thing you love. The links are now diamonds. Anything is possible when your profile smells like Old Spice and not a lady. I'm on a horse.
    Sadly, yours isn't mine. But if you stopped using lady-scented profiles and switched to Old Spice, it could at least smell like it's mine.

    Well, Old Spice is so powerful, it can turn off the sun.

    But then it gets too cold, so it makes another sun.

    My dad originally thought it was Hebrew for love. But it turns out (surPRISE!!!) it's for life.

    The variants I was referring to were "Eva" and "Eve".
    Haha, you found my name, the Hebrew word for life? :B

    Which one did you uncover? (There are multiple variants.)

    Same here. But this year they made me do only Earth Science -_-


    I think next grade I get only Biology though \o/
    :3 hello former Indigo :3


    I was always mostly well-rounded, but I excel in Science the most.

    I'm pretty different.

    I'm the only one I know my age that can write

    "Betta fish, otherwise known as the Siamese Fighting Fish, are vividly colored fish with flowing tails."

    Compare that to:

    "I'm going to tell you about colorful fish called Bettas. This is my report."


    I'm trying to say (without bragging) that I'm a lot smarter than the kids I know.

    I'm not trying to brag, honest :c
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