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LuckyLapras' Duck

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  • ._____. I don't even know what my Platinum one is. I probably transferred all my Pokémon from them to Black. <.<
    My Black team is... At a level 72-78 average at the moment. ^~^"
    Which is pretty cool, in my opinion, and I think I'll go train some more right now >.>
    Ooo, I forgot about the wifi battling thing we discussed. Though I must admit, I don't specifically train for competitive battling. ^~^" It would be fun, nevertheless!

    I'm glad to hear you're staying! That's really cool.

    >.> <.< *definite
    ... :3
    Just because you'll be without computer doesn't mean you need to act like you're de-actiating your account...
    Ok! I used Lapras obviously, Gothita, Gothorita Arceus and Scraggy. Did you notice the cute bow tie?

    You can catch things that aren't your first catch if you never use them, i guess. And different floors and room aren't usually considered different areas. Except for inside and outside of Pinwheel Forest in Black/White, and maybe the Safari Zone. If you want.
    You can use legendaries if it's your first encounter in the area, and Pokemon Centers can be used as much as you want (unless you're doing it as an additional challenge in addition to the Nuzlocke run).
    A nuzlocke run is a run where you can only catch the first Pokemon you find in an area (except shinies and, if you want, Pokemon you've already caught), and any Pokemon of yours that faint must be permanently stored int he PC/released. That's basically it.
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