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  • Hello, Rarity. Its me, Jace It turns out Braeburn is the pony I chose since Dr. Whooves was already claimed. Braeburn is a great Brony to me.
    "Pester you about everything"? That's not what I'm doing! I'm tryingjkfsdhnxxxxhmftsy zxihate you okayrdmgf/zsdb
    Just stop! Okay? You're being too dramatic! You were on the right path for a little while, but now you're just being dramatic.
    Nah. It's Cranky/Crankeh/Crank/Lexi/Alexis/MrMunch/Fluncher/whatever the hell my other alias are.
    Wait...oh SHI- I'm now your sister (Sweetie belle an rarity)! Now I hav to wait a month bfore I can change it to Pinkie Pie. Oh well
    Well, I know it seems like a lot, but... Try reading through the entire 'accidentally deleted the other' disscussion so far. To understand what we've been through.
    I'm sorry, but if you're not even going to try to be active with the rest of the group, I'll have to remove you from DQ.

    Also, that's not how ki training even works. Whenever you learn something new, I'll post it on your profile. At least, I would have...

    Please try to be better about this in the future. You can't come in, being random.
    v Nice double post sister.

    The thing about admins is, well, it's not very fun. It's hard.
    See, I only need the admins to help me when I can't do something. You're only nine, so its most likely that you don't know a thing about the Admin Panel. Aaand, I found out Luis really IS a brony and he helped me get the Dash points working, AND he remodeled the forum topics and categories a bit. So I'm not going to replace him...sorry for getting your hopes up.
    See, I only need the admins to help me when I can't do something. You're only nine, so its most likely that you don't know a thing about the Admin Panel. Aaand, I found out Luis really IS a brony and he helped me get the Dash points working, AND he remodeled the forum topics and categories a bit. So I'm not going to replace him...sorry for getting your hopes up.
    FCSNAKE/Luis goes on BG. He's my friend and he only joined just because I gave the link. He hasnt been on since, so I'm thinking of replacing him so someone else can be admin. So its either you or Zapi, and I need someone to figure out how to deducct DP...=/

    Your problem could be because you were logged out. Many forums log people out when they stall too much.
    Pie, yum. Also, if you have any questions about Darkie's forum, I'll probably know the answer. (Why, may you ask? cuz I know the admin panel much more than you'd want to know.) (I fucked it)
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