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  • The Absol is good. I didn't mean real waves though. Anyway, I've rethought it. For the background, could I have lightning striking the ground? Sorry if that's annoying. Oh, and I posted in the battle. If you have a mega powerful attack, unleash it now, because I don't like Klovazen much and I want to reveal my next pokemon.
    ... That sounds plausible. And I'm not quite sure what the process for that is; you technically didn't drop it, now the battle's been picked up, and so it's probably a forfeit by now. A forfeit before the battle began, yes, but.
    Reffing slot? 0_0 What, exactly, do you mean by that? (Also, if you dropped the challenge you never posted that; I checked again. Maybe you mean ILS' challenge, which you dropped before posting that one.)
    It looks good. I'm just concerned about him age wise. Like maybe 10 is too young for him to be fighting...? We can certainly keep him that young but be aware that his HP will not be the same as the rest since he is more delicate and of less stamina.

    Now for the RP, where would you like to be found since e is homeless? Is he going to sneak into the cafe or something like that?
    Luxcario, you have gained one exp point for successfully completing the assigned mission. Congrats!!!
    I... could have sworn I searched the thread. In fact, I still can't find where you dropped that... anyway, I suppose we could bury that if you really want.
    LOL I don't care. I'm not hanging out with my cousin until THIS weekend anyways. So, thanks~!

    By the way, that is the most cute panda I've ever seen. It's so cuuuute. :3
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