• Welcome to The Cave of Dragonflies forums, where the smallest bugs live alongside the strongest dragons.

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  • Sure! Just make sure to explain the rules well and stuch. Also, can you do something about the forms in your signature shop? They're not very detailed, and I want to request something.
    Also, I'm going to need your help making FJ FakeMon Adoptables.
    I just finished mine.
    *looks on the newest post on your profile*
    Hey, Richie asked me to do the same thing :o
    I need for you to make an egg for me. Fish Jumpers is going to use that egg! It needs to look like this Pokemon.
    I know. That's obvious. But please don't tell lies in the future, okay? Now, I might have a little assignment for you to do. If you do that for me, I'll let you do another splice game.
    Lux, don't lie! You're hurting your chances! I'm the owner of the group. That means I'm able to see when people delete things. I was considering giving you another chance, but if you're just going to lie to me...
    Post in the battle! I can't wait to get my next pokemon out...
    Yeah. I deleted the Dangerous Journey because somepony was saying that I had too many Roleplays. Anyways, we can do an MLP Roleplay.
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